At first glance, choosing an uninterruptible power supply seems like a daunting task. But essentially, whether you're buying a new Managed Ups Services system or replacing an existing unit, the choice comes down to two main factors: the required charge and the battery life.
To establish the required power consumption, separate critical loads (which must be protected by the UPS) from non-critical loads. In a call center, for example, phones and computers will be classified as mission-critical, but desktop fans will not. Production lines and equipment are critical to a factory, but secondary lighting and telephone lines are not.
Establishing the load requirements will determine which UPS topology is the most suitable (standby / standalone, online interactive, or online).
The second main criterion is the autonomy of the battery. How long does it take to shut down safely? When thinking about battery life, you should also consider how much space you have to install batteries.
Other factors that influence your choice of UPS
- Installation environment: Do you need a stand-alone vertical (typically industrial) or rack-mount (typically IT loaded) UPS? Where will the UPS be installed? UPS systems work best in dry, dust-free, and well-ventilated areas with a constant, controlled temperature. If the UPS is located at the back instead of the front, you will need to leave a clearance of 300 mm.
- Installation configuration: Do you need to create redundancy, such as an N + 1 parallel system, to reduce the risk of a serious system failure?
- UPS Maintenance: Does the UPS have front access for maintenance or does it require side access? If it is the latter, then it is important for system tuning.
- Warranties: The industry standard for UPS systems is a two- or three-year warranty. Riello UPS offers a standard five-year extended warranty on all UPSs up to and including 3 kVA.
- Accessories: It is recommended to always turn on the bypass switch. SNMP cards or other BMS connections may be recommended depending on your network and communication requirements.
- Features: Does the UPS have an LCD screen or even a touch screen that displays important performance information? What operating modes does it have (eg ECO mode, Smart Active, frequency converter)?
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